Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ancient Mysteries, Egypt and Cymatics...

I recently discovered two fascinating audio clips with John Stuart Reid, author of Egyptian Sonics.

Cymatics and Ancient Egypt have fascinated John, inventor and developer of the CymaScope, an innovative 21st century sonic instrument. Working in his lab in the Lake District of England and traveling to Egypt and the Great Pyramids, he has studied sound and the effect of tones to create geometric patterns resembling everything from hieroglyphs, mandalas, crop circles and sacred geometry shapes. Listen as John shares his experience on a trip to Egypt to research the influence of sound within the Great Pyramids. Among other discoveries, when he toned within the kings chamber, he created glyphs on a sarcophagus that mimicked ancient Egyptian symbols.

These two audio interviews are a fascinating introduction to the possibility that the ancient pharoahs knew more about the power of sound than we are aware.

Cymatic Acoustic Experiments

A history of the science of "cymatics" and how it makes visible the patterns created by sound. He also describes his Great Pyramid experiment in which hieroglyphic patterns emerged in particles of sand vibrated by sound.

Acoustic Experiments in the Great Pyramid
John describes his experiments, performed in the Great Pyramid, finding the prime frequency of the chamber nearly identical to the sarcophagus. His cymatics tests revealed hieroglyphic-like shapes appearing in a vibrating membrane stretched across the sarcophagus.

For a glimpse into the fascinating world of ancient Egyptian sonics locked into the quartz crystal matrix of the granite sarcophagus see the book "Egyptian Sonics" by John Stuart Reid.

Vera Gadman

2 comments: said...

I LOVE it!!! This information is more important than ever today because most people never really got this before. Now that the vibration of water molecules can be changes with an intention behind a word... we can take off with our knowledge now. Thank you so much for posting!!! love, Mona Klinger~ said...

It is no longer "Synergy Connection." It is "Sacred Reconnections." Thank you!!!