Thursday, February 8, 2007

New Instrument Reveals Geometric Formations in Sound

Sound is invisible, right? Not any more. Each sound actually creates a unique geometric pattern as beautiful as a snowflake. A new scientific instrument, the CymaScope™, captures this beauty by making sound visible. Sounds are sent through a digital compressor and audio filters and then imprinted on a thin membrane, allowing the invisible world of sound to be seen.

Children and adults alike are fascinated when they see sound materialized on the CymaScope. “Look Daddy, my voice looks like a star!” But it isn’t only the human voice that can be made visible. Bird song, whale song, wild animal sounds and music all create unique sound prints, or “CymaGlyphs” as they are now known.

The special magic of the CymaScope was invented and developed by English acoustics engineer and researcher, John Stuart Reid of Sonic Age America. “For the first time, everybody, not just scientists and specialized researchers, can see sound as it creates its own kaleidoscopic-like pattern. Just as great advances in medical science were made with the microscope, and enormous strides in understanding the cosmos were made with the telescope, the CymaScope opens a new window of opportunity for scientists and lay people alike to study the invisible world of sound and vibration. Since everything in the Universe is based on frequencies of vibration, the CymaScope may prove to be one of the most powerful new instruments to emerge for decades.”

Potential applications for this new device include helping autistic and deaf children to learn to speak, musicology, ornithology, zoology, cosmology, physics and art.

To learn more about the CymaScope please visit

Vera Gadman

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds are vibrations that leave an impact on our mind and body depending on its type and Healtone’s healing with sounds
is a therapeutic application of restoring health through sounds at different frequencies.