Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Two in a Million

I appear to be enamored with Valentines Day! A dear friend sent this to me and I just had to add it to my posts. The power of love can be healing, and research by the HeartMath Institute has shown that when you express emotion, and love is a good emotion to express, it not only positively changes the DNA of those within your immediate space, it also affects those in the next room and up to 50 miles! Doesn't that make you feel good all over. Here is a story of love I though you might enjoy on this special day.

"Whether you've got romance in your life right
now or not, I think you'll be moved by this seven
minute story. Open the following link, hit listen
(just above Danny and Annie's wedding photo)
and enjoy."
NPR : Two in a Million: Danny and Annie Perasa

Happy Valentine's Day.

Vera Gadman

1 comment:

Heart_Man said...

The American Institute of Stress and The Centers For Disease Control have both reported that up to 90% of all illnesses are due to stress. For many years I experienced several life threatening chronic illnesses. I found the Institute of HeartMath and discovered that all of these illnesses were due to stress I had been experiencing in my life. Learning and practicing HeartMath's scientifically substantiated tools and technologies literally saved my life. Additional information on HeartMath and how to prevent, manage and reverse the effects of stress in-the-moment, achieve better health, more energy, improved mental and emotional clarity, and improved performance and relationships can be found at